Innovation Details

Name : Mohazib Amin

Phone : 8491914359

Email :

University : University of Kashmir

Department : Science and Technology

Patent No :

Innovation No : 999146

Dated : 05-10-2023

Type : Innovation

e our innovation “DIAPER DISPOSER” which will help us to reduce the pollution In our environment . It is the easiest and safest way to dispose diapers than the other ways currently available . WORKING : ‘ OUR INOVATION” Works on the principle of sharp grinding blades and heat in air tight container with air purifying container which purifies the toxic air which comes out from the disposal machine after disposing to prevent the air pollution. It consists of various parts : [1] Disposal container. [2] Heating element. [3] Air tight upper lid. [4] Highly sharp cutting blades. [5] Lower air tight lid (ash collecting tray). [6] Toxic air carrying pipe. [7] Waste container with air purifying material . [8] Waste container lid. [9] Device for measuring and maintaining temperature

