Innovation Details

Name : Bushra naaz

Phone : 7051591677

Email :

University : Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir

Department : Science

Patent No :

Innovation No : 1252600

Dated : 05-10-2023

Type : Innovation

Vegan meat is a complete animal meat substitute with medicinal properties from fava beans. We have devised a complete process wherein raw fava beans will be converted to vegan meat . During the process of conversion byproduct released is being converted into fava pet which has a huge market. Medicinal properties include levo dopamine which is used in the treatment of parkinsonism. Also isoflavones like genistein and diadezein in the product are used to prevent breast cancers. Product helps in weight management and lowering blood cholesterol . Foliate in the product is used to prevent birth defects and presence of calcium helps in prevention of osteoporosis . USP of the product is that no such product has been made yet .

